Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 - Chapter 12.5

Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 - Chapter 12.5 Page 1


Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 Chapter 12.5 Summary

You're read Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 manga online at Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 Manhwa also known as: 모던아파트 - 경성 1930 / Apartamento moderno - Gyeongseong 1930. This is the Ongoing Manhwa was released on . The story was written by Bam Puree and illustrations by Geumgokdong,Hot Pants,Kim Gon,Water Horse,Yoo Doyeon. Modern Apartment, Gyeonseong 1930 is about Drama, Historical, Mature, Smut, Thriller.